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Upcoming Poetry Anthology!

For the last several months, I’ve been working with a team of eleven other teenagers to compile, edit, and ultimately publish a poetry anthology. In this poetry anthology are ten of my poems—ten poems that I’m proud of, ten poems that reflect my appreciation of rhyme, meter, and traditional poetic forms.

I’ve had my poetry published in magazines before, but this feels so much bigger.

So much deeper.

So much more exciting.

This time, I’ll be publishing ten poems in a book.

This time, I will be gathering a team around me to help support the book as we draw nearer to the publication date.

This time, it feels more like a daring, triumphant shout—pushing my work out into the world, reminding my readers how beautiful traditional poetry can be.

This time, I'm working with a team to accomplish something I could not have done on my own.

It’s been an honor and a joy to work with the other team members. I absolutely love many of the poems in the anthology. Many, if not most, of them reflect an appreciation for classical poetry, and through my team members, I’ve been introduced to various classical forms.

I’ve also come to a deeper appreciation of free style poetry. Some of the others have clearly demonstrated that free style poetry can be done breathtakingly well.

All in all, the poems in the anthology have been a joy for me to read, and I want to share those with friends, with family, and with the world.

With that in mind...

I invite you to join my street team.

What is a street team? you may be wondering.

I’m glad you asked.

A street team is the team that supports the author and spreads the word about the book as the publication date draws near.

As a member of my street team, you will tell friends and family and acquaintances (and anyone you can think of who would want to hear about the book) about the As the Frost Melts poetry anthology.

You’ll be among the first to see the cover, and I’ll ask you to share the cover with others.

You’ll have the opportunity to read an e-ARC of the book before it’s actually out, and will be asked to review it on Goodreads and Amazon (if you can).

Some people see the phrase “street team” and think, “Oh, I need social media, I need a blog, I need a newsletter, I need a Goodreads account,” but if you don’t have any of those things, don’t worry! You can still tell people about the book, and I’d still love to have you on my street team.

If you’re interested, you can sign up here—

If you'd like to be kept in the loop but would rather not commit yourself to being a street team member, you can follow us on Instagram. The username is AstheFrostMeltspoetry. I personally am not invovled with running the Instagram account (I don't even have an account of my own), but my teammates are, and I'm going to guess that following us (them?) will be fun. ;)


If you don't want to sign up for the street team or follow us on Instagram, though, don’t worry about that either! There are all kinds of reasons not to, and I’m not going to hold a grudge. ;)

(Photo credit to Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash)

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2024년 9월 30일

Traditional verse is my favorite, too, but over the years I've also gained a deeper appreciation for free verse!

I'm SO excited about this anthology!! And so proud of you for pushing your work into the world in a daring, triumphant shout. ❤️

- Miriam Novotny :)


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