Saturated in Poetry
I’ve been reading a lot of poetry lately, from Luci Shaw’s short, poignant snapshots of everyday life to the sweeping stanzas of Alexander Pope’s translation of the Iliad.
I’ve read Eugene Field’s playful, saccharine poetry and John Donne’s philosophical musings.
I’ve reread Samuel Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” and taken my time over poems written by some of my best friends.
I’m signed up to the Rabbit Room’s poetry newsletter and poems regularly arrive in my email inbox—old voices and new ones, classical poetry and free style poetry. Each poet has a unique voice. Each poem has its individual flavor.
Luci Shaw’s poetry is teaching me to appreciate freestyle poetry, and I’m coming to see that, rhyme and rhythm aside, what I admire in a poem is the same whatever the style. I’m looking for thoughtful imagery, unexpected expressions, and a strong grasp of language.
The Iliad brings to me all the rhyme and rhythm my heart desires. It keeps me turning the pages, delighting in the grandeur of the images it brings before my eyes and reminding me what I love most about classical poetry.
Eugene Field’s poetry makes me smile, and John Donne’s poems make me stop and ponder and wonder. I usually can’t grasp the full significance of his metaphors or comprehend the connections he’s trying to make—but I often feel like I almost can, and that feeling is in itself a pleasure.
Samuel Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is haunting because of the story it tells. In gentle, rhythmic words, he conveys a tale of miracles and horrors.
And every poem I receive from the Rabbit Room deepens my understanding of poetry a little more and makes me want to reach out and further understand what makes poetry so powerful and beautiful.
I’m learning to savor poetry more and more, and my desire for it continues to grow strong. Fortunately, my family’s collection of poetry books is extensive, and the Internet provides a practically limitless supply of poetry.
Now, to you.
What poetry have you been reading lately? And if you haven’t read any lately, perhaps you should go read some.

(Photo credit to Aaron Burden on Unsplash)