As the Frost Melts

You've heard me talk about it before.
This poetry anthology that for me is the dramatic culmination to years of writing poetry--if I can truly call it a culmination. There will be more books after this one. Hundreds more poems. Dozens more dreams coalescing in my hands.
But for now, this is the culmination that's in sight. This is the dream becoming reality. be honest right now...I don't know when exactly I'll hold the book in my hands. I don't know when I'll be able to tell you to order the book. I hoped it would be today, but I'm confused and out of my depth here. The company we're self-publishing with figures out the hows and the whens from here on out...
But soon.
For me, this book is a love song to poetry, but structured and unstructured, classical and contemporary-style. Through the poems of my teammates, I've been introduced to styles of classical poetry I'd never known before, and I've developed a deeper appreciation for unstructured poetry.
I've seen how the different types of poetry can complement each other, how each holds a beauty of its own.
I hope that the book will do the same for you.